Telegram Mini Apps on Asset Chain

This guide shows builders how to develop Telegram Mini Apps on Asset Chain, using Asset Chain's official Telegram SDK.

It uses Next.js, wagmi for Asset Chain wallet connections, and various injected providers for ease of use.

Getting Started

  1. Environment Variables:

    • Rename .env.example to .env.local and configure the following parameters:

      • NEXT_PUBLIC_PROJECT_ID="": Add your project ID from Reown.

      • NEXT_PUBLIC_INFURA_KEY="": Add your Infura API key from Infura.

      • NEXT_PUBLIC_MANIFEST_URL="": Add a manifest URL. Example: "".

  2. Clone the Repository:

     npx create-next-app@latest --example "" [your-project-name]
     cd <cloned-repo>
  3. Install Dependencies: Run the following command to install the necessary packages:

    npm install
  4. Start the Development Server: Run the server locally:

    npm run dev

Connecting to Injected Providers

To connect the app with different Ethereum wallet providers, you can modify the default connector in your src/hooks/useEvmWallet.tsx file based on your needs.

Injected Providers Setup

  1. Use Injected Provider: This sets the default connector to detect and use any wallet injected into the browser, such as MetaMask or Coinbase Wallet.

    import { injected } from "@wagmi/core";
    const defaultConnector = injected();
  2. Use Coinbase Provider: To connect with Coinbase Wallet, change the configuration:

    import { coinbaseConfig } from "../configs/wagmiConfig";
    const defaultConnector = coinbaseConfig;
  3. Use MetaMask Provider: If you prefer MetaMask as your default wallet provider, configure it like so:

    import { metaMaskConfig } from "../configs/wagmiConfig";
    const defaultConnector = metaMaskConfig;
  4. Use WalletConnect Provider: To integrate WalletConnect, which supports mobile wallets, adjust the default connector to:

    import { walletConnectConfig } from "../configs/wagmiConfig";
    const defaultConnector = walletConnectConfig;

With this setup, you'll be able to connect your Telegram mini app to various Ethereum wallets, giving your users flexibility in interacting with blockchain-enabled features.

This guide shows builders how to develop Telegram Mini Apps on Asset Chain. The starterkit is integrated with blockchain wallets like MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and WalletConnect.

It uses Next.js, wagmi for Asset Chain wallet connections, and various injected providers for ease of use.

Import Asset Chain's official Telegram SDK

npm i assetchain-telegram-app-starter-kit
"use client";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { INFURA_KEY, PROJECT_ID } from "@/configs";
import {
} from "assetchain-telegram-app-starter-kit";


  • "use client";: Marks this component to be client-side, meaning it will run in the browser rather than on the server.

  • React and Hooks: We're using useState for managing local state in the React component.

  • Configs: INFURA_KEY and PROJECT_ID are imported from a configuration file (@/configs), used for connecting to blockchain networks.

  • PROJECT_ID: Add your project ID from Reown.

  • INFURA_KEY: Add your Infura API key from Infura.

  • Imports from assetchain-telegram-app-starter-kit:

    • AssetChainKit: A wrapper component that facilitates blockchain wallet connections.

    • concatAddress: A utility function to shorten wallet addresses.

    • onCopy: A utility function to copy addresses to the clipboard.

    • useEvmWallet and useTonWallet: Hooks to handle EVM and TON wallet interactions.

2. Setting Up the ConnectButton Component

function ConnectButton() {
  const evmWallet = {
    projectId: PROJECT_ID,
    infuraApiKey: INFURA_KEY,
    metadata: { name: "Asset Chain test" },
  const [address, setAddress] = useState("");
  const [amount, setAmount] = useState("");


  • ConnectButton component: This component handles the logic for connecting to wallets and sending transactions.

  • evmWallet configuration: This object contains the settings for connecting to an EVM-compatible wallet:

    • projectId: The project ID (Reown).

    • infuraApiKey: The API key for Infura to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

    • metadata: Contains information like the name of the app.

  • State variables:

    • address: Stores the recipient address for transactions.

    • amount: Stores the amount for transactions.

3. Using Wallet Hooks

  const {
  } = useEvmWallet(evmWallet);

  const {
  } = useTonWallet();


  • useEvmWallet(evmWallet):

    • connectEvmWallet: Function to connect an EVM wallet (e.g., MetaMask).

    • evmAddress: Stores the currently connected EVM wallet address.

    • disconnectEvmWallet: Function to disconnect the EVM wallet.

    • sendTransactionEvm: Function to send transactions on EVM networks.

  • useTonWallet():

    • connectWallet: Function to connect a TON wallet.

    • userFriendlyAddress: The connected TON wallet address in a human-readable format.

    • disconnectWallet: Function to disconnect the TON wallet.

    • sendTransaction: Function to send transactions on the TON network.

4. Transaction Functions

  const sendTonTransaction = async () => {
    try {
      const result = await sendTransaction({ to: address, value: amount });
      console.log({ sendTonTransaction: result });
    } catch (error) {
      console.log({ sendTonTransactionError: error });

  const sendAssetChainTransaction = async () => {
    try {
      const result = await sendTransactionEvm({ to: address, value: amount });
      console.log({ sendTonTransaction: result });
    } catch (error) {
      console.log({ sendTonTransactionError: error });


  • sendTonTransaction:

    • Asynchronous function to send a transaction using the TON network.

    • Takes the address and amount values from the component's state and uses sendTransaction to send a TON transaction.

    • Logs the result or catches and logs any errors.

  • sendAssetChainTransaction:

    • Asynchronous function to send a transaction using the EVM network.

    • Uses sendTransactionEvm to send a transaction to the address with the specified amount on the EVM blockchain.

    • Also logs the result or errors.

5. Rendering Wallet Connection Buttons

  return (
    <div className="m-2">
        metadata={{ name: "Asset Chain test" }}
        <div className="flex justify-between mb-4">
          {userFriendlyAddress ? (
              className="px-7 py-2 mb-4 border rounded-md mx-2"
              Disconnect TON
          ) : (
              className="flex px-7 py-2 mb-4 border rounded-md mx-2"
              Connect TON wallet


  • AssetChainKit:

    • Wraps the component to handle wallet connections. It is configured with metadata, the Infura API key, and the project ID.

  • TON Wallet Connection:

    • Renders a button to either connect or disconnect the TON wallet.

    • If userFriendlyAddress (the connected wallet address) exists, it shows a "Disconnect" button. Otherwise, it shows a "Connect TON wallet" button.

6. Rendering EVM Wallet Connection

          {evmAddress ? (
              className="px-8 py-3 border rounded-md"
              Disconnect Asset Chain
          ) : (
              className="px-8 py-3 border rounded-md"
              Connect Asset Chain


  • EVM Wallet Connection:

    • If evmAddress (the connected EVM wallet address) exists, it shows a "Disconnect Asset Chain" button.

    • If no EVM wallet is connected, it shows a "Connect Asset Chain" button.

7. Displaying Wallet Addresses

        <div className="text-center grid">
          {evmAddress && (
            <p onClick={() => onCopy(evmAddress)}>
              <span>Asset Chain:</span> {concatAddress(evmAddress)}{" "}
          {userFriendlyAddress && (
            <p onClick={() => onCopy(userFriendlyAddress)}>
              <span>Asset TON:</span> {concatAddress(userFriendlyAddress)}{" "}


  • Displaying Wallet Addresses:

    • If an EVM address (evmAddress) exists, it displays a shortened version using concatAddress. The address can also be copied using the onCopy utility.

    • Similarly, if a TON address exists (userFriendlyAddress), it displays the shortened address and supports copying.

8. Transaction Form for TON Wallet

        {userFriendlyAddress && (
          <div className="m-2 p-4 border rounded-lg w-auto mt-8 justify-center text-center">
            <h1 className="text-center mb-4 mt-4">Send Transaction (TON) </h1>
            <div className="">
                className="bg-transparent border rounded-md py-2 px-10 mb-4 text-white"
                onChange={(e) => setAddress(}
                className="bg-transparent border rounded-md py-2 px-10 text-white"
                onChange={(e) => setAmount(}
                className="bg-transparent border rounded-md py-2 px-10 mt-4 text-white"


  • TON Transaction Form:

    • If a TON wallet is connected, a form is displayed for the user to input the recipient's address and the amount to send.

    • When the form is submitted, it triggers the sendTonTransaction function.

9. Transaction Form for EVM Wallet

        {evmAddress && (
          <div className="m-2 p-4 border rounded-lg w-auto mt-8 justify-center text-center">
            <h1 className="text-center mb-4 mt-4">Send Transaction (Asset Chain) </h1>
            <div className="">
                className="bg-transparent border rounded-md py-2 px-10 mb-4 text-white"
                onChange={(e) => setAddress(

                className="bg-transparent border rounded-md py-2 px-10 text-white"
                onChange={(e) => setAmount(}
                className="bg-transparent border rounded-md py-2 px-10 mt-4 text-white"


  • EVM Transaction Form:

    • If an EVM wallet is connected, this form allows the user to input the recipient address and amount for a transaction.

    • The sendAssetChainTransaction function is called when the "Send" button is pressed.

10. Exporting the Component

export default ConnectButton;


  • The ConnectButton component is exported so it can be used in other parts of the application.

Summary of the Component

  • The component provides buttons to connect or disconnect from TON and EVM-compatible wallets.

  • It also displays the connected wallet addresses, with options to copy them.

  • Forms are provided for sending transactions to the connected networks (TON and EVM).

  • Utility functions (onCopy, concatAddress) and hooks (useEvmWallet, useTonWallet) are leveraged to handle blockchain-related actions efficiently.

Last updated