
To learn more about why you should stake on Asset Chain, please visit the url below.

If you're ready to start staking, proceed with our guide below.

Users can decide to stake on Mainnet or Testnet. Of course staking on Testnet will use test RWA.

Native Staking



  1. Once you visit the urls above, you will see a page similar to the one below. Please click on stake to begin native staking.

  1. Clicking the stake button opens a modal, proceed to select the type of staking you prefer. Flexible allows you to withdraw at any time, Locked prevents you from withdrawing staked tokens for a particular period of time. Enter amount and select type. Then click on stake.

  1. Once you've gone through the process, you should see a similar modal to the one below.

Congratulations! Your Native staking was successfull.

Validator Staking



  1. Visit the url above, then click on staking on the navigation bar on top.

  1. When the staking page loads, click on the connect wallet button on the top right, then select a wallet provider to proceed.

  2. After connect your wallet, you should see a page similar to the one below. Click on Add Stake to begin Validator Staking.

  1. Next, if you see the form below please enter the amount you want to stake, then select a validator you want to delegate your RWA tokens to. Finally click Continue.

  2. Clicking continue prompts a modal where you confirm the details of your staking action. Click Delegate to proceed.

  1. The above action might take a few secs to process, but once your staking is successfull you'll get the modal below. Click on done.

  2. After clicking on done above, you should now see your staking action added to your history of staking in the table below. You can stake as many times you want.

Congratulations for participating in securing Asset Chain! We're glad to have you onboard.

Last updated