Smart Contract Audit

Auditing your smart contracts in development with AI tools.

Conducting a smart contract audit involves a thorough examination of the code to ensure it is secure, efficient, and free of vulnerabilities.

AI tools are very helpful for development purposes, but we also recommend submitting your smart contracts to a professional Audit firm before deploying to the Mainnet.

Here are the steps typically involved in a smart contract audit:

  1. Pre-Audit Preparation:

    • Code Review: Collect all the smart contract code, including any dependencies and libraries.

    • Documentation: Gather all relevant documentation, including the whitepaper, design documents, and specifications.

  2. Static Analysis:

    • Automated Tools: Use automated tools like Mythril, Slither, and Oyente to perform static analysis on the code. These tools can help identify common vulnerabilities like reentrancy, integer overflows, and underflows.

    • Code Linting: Ensure the code follows best practices and coding standards.

  3. Manual Review:

    • Line-by-Line Analysis: Manually review the code line-by-line to identify any potential vulnerabilities that automated tools might have missed.

    • Logic Review: Verify that the logic of the smart contract aligns with the intended behavior and specifications.

    • Access Control: Ensure proper implementation of access controls and permissions.

    • Gas Optimization: Check for areas where the gas usage can be optimized.

  4. Testing:

    • Unit Testing: Write and run comprehensive unit tests to ensure individual functions work as expected.

    • Integration Testing: Test how different parts of the smart contract interact with each other.

    • Simulation: Use tools like Ganache or Hardhat to simulate various scenarios and edge cases.

  5. Security Analysis:

    • Vulnerability Scanning: Scan for known vulnerabilities such as reentrancy, front-running, and denial of service.

    • Formal Verification: For critical contracts, consider using formal verification methods to mathematically prove the correctness of the code.

    • Penetration Testing: Perform penetration testing to identify potential attack vectors.

  6. Reporting:

    • Audit Report: Compile a detailed audit report that includes all findings, potential vulnerabilities, and recommended fixes.

    • Recommendations: Provide clear and actionable recommendations for improving the security and performance of the smart contract.

  7. Post-Audit:

    • Remediation: Work with the development team to address and fix the identified issues.

    • Re-Audit: If significant changes are made, conduct a re-audit to ensure all issues have been resolved and no new issues have been introduced.

Smart Contract Audit AI Tools

Last updated